Ambassadors: Featured Posts



Pattie Lovett Reid

Pattie Lovett-Reid

Financial stress is on the rise in Canada. According to a new report by FP Canada, the Financial Stress Index found that 44% of Canadians say money is their primary source of stress. Other factors include personal health, at 20%; work, at 16%; and relationships, at 16%.
The numbers suggest the financial burden is a big deal. Yet, financial stress can sometimes be self-induced. The reality is that many need help to keep up with the inflation, higher rates, and record debt levels that are stretching households. The silence that follows can be deafening. In a world where comparisons are everywhere, keeping up with Jones’ has become financially exhausting. I use “MONEY” as the acronym to break down the options that could be explored.

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Pattie Lovett Reid urging retirees to set their financial and fitness goals
Pattie Lovett-Reid

Small changes can lead to significant results. When something feels out of place physically or financially, it may be time to bring in the experts. Trust me, I have been there. I am a certified financial planner, yet we have a financial advisor who manages our money. Getting started can be overwhelming, and procrastination can be the one thing in both arenas that can derail you. If you are embarking on a new physical or financial journey, here are a few steps to help you.

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Pattie Lovett-Reid

Cyberattacks and fraud are escalating. In 2023, Canadians lost $554M due to fraud, with financial loss expected to cost almost $10.8 trillion globally this year. However, there has been a long-standing belief Boomers are more likely to fall prey than any other generation. But when it comes to falling for scams, every age group is equal. Baby boomers are no more likely than any other generation to fall for a scam. Here are a few basics to ensure you stay cyber-safe and avoid potential scams and scammers. These scammers have upped their game. And finally, if you feel you have released too much personal information, don’t be embarrassed or ashamed because it happens to smart and tech-savvy people all the time.

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Turn your home equity into tax-free cash.
No monthly payments!

Joyce Wayne

Group of older people cheering in a park
Joyce Wayne

Today, Canada and South Korea have similar proportions of adults aged 65 years and older, accounting for close to one-fifth of the total population. It makes sense for Canada’s NIA (National Institute on Aging) to do a deep dive into South Korean plans and practices and compare them with our own.
The difference is that by 2040, in South Korea, older adults will make up a third or 33.6 percent of the population, while in Canada, it will be a quarter or 24 percent of our population. The South Korean government is trying to institute policies that allow older people to age gracefully and with economic security.

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Elderly couple riding a bike in sunset
Joyce Wayne

Today we live in a society structured to promote early bloomers. Our school system has sorted people by the time they are 18, using grades and SAT scores. Some of these people zoom to prestigious academic launching pads while others get left behind. And then there are people like me who are not early bloomers. It took me many years to overcome an arduous childhood and to find my way in the adult world. Putting too much emphasis on the spectacular feats of early bloomers might force us to miss those who bloom later in life and often after hard-won battles with early disappointments or challenges.

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Father hugging his daughter in home
Joyce Wayne

Talking to aging parents can be delicate and downright tricky. What do our children say to us when we need guidance or support? It’s a complicated line to cross. The shoe has always been on the other foot. Moms and dads are supposed to help and advise their kids, not the other way around. Yet, often unexpectedly, children need to support their parents or guide them through making big and small decisions. Now, a new book by Laura Tamblyn Watts, the CEO of CanAge, Canada’s national seniors’ advocacy organization, provides a guide to conversation-starting scripts, along with expert advice, to help us navigate these tricky and often urgent situations.

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Kurt Browning

Kurt Browning holding a dog on a couch
Kurt Browning

Kurt Browning, a Canadian figure skater and the celebrity spokesperson for HomeEquity Bank, partners with his dog to describe the benefits of a CHIP Reverse Mortgage and how it can help you retire in the home you love.

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HomeEquity Bank commercial still of Kurt Browning sitting on a bench
Kurt Browning

Kurt Browning, a Canadian figure skater and the celebrity spokesperson for HomeEquity Bank returns to tell you more about the CHIP Reverse Mortgage.

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