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Pattie Lovett Reid

Pattie Lovett Reid urging retirees to set their financial and fitness goals
Pattie Lovett-Reid

Small changes can lead to significant results. When something feels out of place physically or financially, it may be time to bring in the experts. Trust me, I have been there. I am a certified financial planner, yet we have a financial advisor who manages our money. Getting started can be overwhelming, and procrastination can be the one thing in both arenas that can derail you. If you are embarking on a new physical or financial journey, here are a few steps to help you.

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Pattie Lovett-Reid

Cyberattacks and fraud are escalating. In 2023, Canadians lost $554M due to fraud, with financial loss expected to cost almost $10.8 trillion globally this year. However, there has been a long-standing belief Boomers are more likely to fall prey than any other generation. But when it comes to falling for scams, every age group is equal. Baby boomers are no more likely than any other generation to fall for a scam. Here are a few basics to ensure you stay cyber-safe and avoid potential scams and scammers. These scammers have upped their game. And finally, if you feel you have released too much personal information, don’t be embarrassed or ashamed because it happens to smart and tech-savvy people all the time.

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Pattie Lovett-Reid

For the fourth consecutive rate announcement, the Bank of Canada did exactly what we expected it to do and left the bank rate unchanged at 5%. Inflation is tamer and has decelerated but has not yet hit the desired 2% target. The job market has proven more resilient than anyone initially thought. Yet, the private sector has been scaling back on hiring for the past three months. We don’t know with certainty if our economy is headed toward a soft landing or a mild recession. A far more sensible approach is to set yourself up for success and control what you can in an environment where you feel you have no control. Explore all of your funding options to free up some cash.

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Turn your home equity into tax-free cash.
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Joyce Wayne

Father hugging his daughter in home
Joyce Wayne

Talking to aging parents can be delicate and downright tricky. What do our children say to us when we need guidance or support? It’s a complicated line to cross. The shoe has always been on the other foot. Moms and dads are supposed to help and advise their kids, not the other way around. Yet, often unexpectedly, children need to support their parents or guide them through making big and small decisions. Now, a new book by Laura Tamblyn Watts, the CEO of CanAge, Canada’s national seniors’ advocacy organization, provides a guide to conversation-starting scripts, along with expert advice, to help us navigate these tricky and often urgent situations.

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Elder man laughing with daughter
Joyce Wayne

Supporting older adults to age in their own homes and communities for as long as possible, commonly referred to as “ageing in place,” can help Canada’s already-strained LTC systems. Yet, doing so effectively also requires responsive systems and services that can enable what the NIA calls “Ageing in the Right Place.” Recognizing the growing importance of supporting older Canadians’ ability to age successfully while remaining engaged members of their communities, this report presents a practical definition and framework to understand what ageing in the right place (AIRP) is and what is required to make it work. It also highlights existing best practices and opportunities that can reduce unnecessary LTC home admissions and better support the implementation of successful AIRP policies and programs across Canada and beyond.

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Elder couple playing golf
Joyce Wayne

The prime time for retirement is changing. It once was 65 years of age, but as people live longer and some face more financial roadblocks to leaving work, the new retirement age is moving closer to 75. A formal retirement can be the best time to become one of “the unretired,” those who are actively engaged in new pursuits, sometimes for financial reasons and other times for the sheer enjoyment of it. The tried-and-true myths of retiring at 65 and disconnecting from the world are coming to a close. Now that more of us are staying socially, physically, and intellectually active as we age, it’s becoming common to find alternate routes to part-time employment, often doing the things we always wished to do, but couldn’t, due to financial obligations.

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Kurt Browning

Kurt Browning holding a dog on a couch
Kurt Browning

Kurt Browning, a Canadian figure skater and the celebrity spokesperson for HomeEquity Bank, partners with his dog to describe the benefits of a CHIP Reverse Mortgage and how it can help you retire in the home you love.

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HomeEquity Bank commercial still of Kurt Browning sitting on a bench
Kurt Browning

Kurt Browning, a Canadian figure skater and the celebrity spokesperson for HomeEquity Bank returns to tell you more about the CHIP Reverse Mortgage.

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